Friday, October 4, 2013

My response to YouTube telling me to go email myself - 4 October 2013

To the YouTube Copyright Team

I refer to your email below and to our earlier correspondence.  It appears that your email contains an error.

Your email states that I "may resolve this issue directly with the claimant at [MY EMAIL ADDRESS]".  That email address is my email address and is not the email address of the claimant.  You have previously indicated that "********" is the email address of the claimant.  Would you please confirm that this is the case.

As I have repeatedly requested, please identify the exact legal entity that has made a claim of infringement of copyright in respect of my video "Star Wars - The Election Edition" (accessible at "").  You have previously referred to that entity as "SME".  If known to you, would you also please provide the contact details of the person or persons at "SME" whom I should contact in relation to my claim.

A number of the emails I have received from "the YouTube Copyright Team" appear to contain pro forma text and are not responsive to the specific questions I have asked.  If you are unable to answer my specific queries, would you please forward my correspondence to a person within YouTube who is able to respond to my queries or, alternatively, to a member of your legal department.

I understand that YouTube says that it does not mediate or resolve copyright disputes.  All I am trying to do is to ascertain the entity which claims that I am infringing its copyright so that I may correspond with that entity directly.

Kind regards 

Hugh Atkin


Chelsey Goff said...

Hello Mr. Atkins,
I am reaching out from the PROSE Awards in New York City about creating a mashup for our next awards ceremony. My email address is Please reach out if this freelance project might be of interest to you.

Chelsey Goff

Elliot Keller said...

I appreciate your efforts in addressing my concerns and hope for a clear resolution.